How my journey began

emotional healing

Even though I’ve been working as a certified alternative practitioner using kinesiology and various alternative healing modalities since 2003, The Emotion Code came into my life right at the exact moment in time that I needed it most. I had separated from (and later divorced) my husband of 16 years with my 8 children… you can only imagine the emotional healing that we all needed - and that is exactly when the incredible healing powers of the Emotion Code began to work its magic for me and my family.

It’s only because of the wondrous healing that I found in my own life that I said ‘this healing is something I must bring to my clients!’

And that my friends, is what they call history. Since then (2014), I’ve seen clients of all ages (my youngest client but an infant, oldest 91 yrs), with every kind of story, from countries on 6 continents - experience the profound healing powers of the & Emotion Code.

What People Are Saying


I Feel So Good After Our Sessions. I feel validated and understood and the healing is in the leaps and bounds. I Just Love Working With You!

— Rebecca Seiff, Israel

I have been fighting with my weight & emotional eating for years, and since I started with Lisa, a few months ago, I've lost 10 pounds!

— Goldie Lansberg, New York


Lisa has gotten to the root of my anger management issues in our Emotion Code sessions. This has helped completely change my interactions with the people closest to me. Deep seated issues I've had for years have completely changed! In my opinion, these sessions are worth a million dollars!

— Sal Nooristani, New Jersey

“I’m just blown away about what is happening in my life. I’m just so happy. I started to feel, Lisa! I felt the emotions in my body. In the past I didn’t notice my feelings, I didn’t know what I was feeling but now - I feel it. Wow, it’s just so liberating! I feel like a new person.”

— Barbara R., Belgium

“I finally understand why my son is having angry outbursts! I’ve been so frustrated for so long and now we’ve figured it out. Lisa used the Emotion Code system which led us to trapped emotions. I’m just blown away by what she can do. Will definitely be booking again.”

- Jennifer Olsen, New Jersey

Healing comes from within — and I’m here to help you activate it.

Where I am today

It’s been a long journey since my separation and divorce in 2014, along with all the emotional healing that needed to come with it, but well worth every moment of struggle as I now love my new life with my kids!

Pic of myself with 7 of my 8 kids last year when we dressed up as Royalty from India:

emotional healing

Cute story: My youngest, Jacob who is 6-years-old, came into my room the other day and said that he needed an Emotion Code session! He sees me go into my room every day and speak to clients and periodically I do Emotion Code with his sisters as well. Jacob felt so grown up as I ran the magnet down his back releasing his trapped emotions! Never too young to start! :)

♡ Lisa

“What if I told you, that after a reasonable amount of time I was able to be rid of all my old baggage? 

I was able to keep the lessons I learned the hard way, but got rid of the lingering pain that I held onto all these years.  I was able to move forward in a productive way without being bogged down by old injuries. I have gotten healthy physically and emotionally and changed faulty core beliefs from my childhood.

 She even worked with my young kids through me!  Do you have any idea how much easier it is to deal with a kid with issues if you know what they need?  I have one kid who when I was pregnant I was under a lot of stress and we cleared out his emotional trauma and within two weeks my one cry baby of a child was a happy-go-lucky kid and still is years later..”

— Rebecca Seiff, NY/Israel