Emotional Healing with an



As An Emotion Code Practitioner I Specialize In

The Body Code is one of the most powerful natural healing modalities. Your body knows how to heal itself and with the Body Code’s help we can access those powers.

I specialize in clearing fears, discovering allergies, clearing trapped emotions &/or a heart wall, rewiring your subconscious mind beliefs, helping you end the vicious cycle of toxic relationships and getting to the root of anything that’s bothering you or your child.


Time to Take Care of You

We all have a tendency to put others first, but in doing so, we can sometimes neglect our relationship with ourselves. Let me be your advocate and show you a kinder, gentler way to treat the most important person in your life.

Wouldn’t you love to:

Cure your in-explainable pain or fatigue?

Rid yourself of excess weight caused by anxiety or depression?

Get to the root of your physical or emotional issues?

Discover the reason for your allergies, headaches, insomnia or any other physical or emotional issue that keeps you from really enjoying life?


Improve Your Relationships with Others

When you’ve been hurt in the past, your body will sometimes build a wall around your heart to protect you from getting hurt again in the future. In Body Code/Emotion Code language we call this a heart wall.

A heart wall might protect you from feeling hurt but it will also prevent you from feeling or expressing love in its most authentic way, which can hold you back from experiencing true closeness in your relationships.

I can’t begin to count the number of times that I’ve cleared a client’s heart wall just for them to call me within days or weeks to thank me for the breakthrough it’s created in their relationships.

Emotional healing means being your best self, alone and with others, and cultivating deep and lasting friendships and relationships.

Ready end the cycle of toxic relationships and create healthy ones?


Understand Your Child Better & Help Her Heal

Something’s bothering your child, but you just don’t know what it is. Maybe it’s a tummy ache, or a headache, or maybe it’s anger or an emotional distance that you can’t explain. Or maybe he’s being bullied at school.

Enter Body Code - the most powerful diagnostic tool - and we get to explore into your child’s subconscious mind to understand the root source of their pain.

I’ve had many clients who have had me work directly with their child (ages 8 and up) and I’ve helped them to release emotional build up and trapped emotions.

Just to name a few things I’ve helped younger clients with: trapped emotions & emotional trauma from being bullied at school, being overweight, divorce or separation in the family, nightmares or night terrors, dealing with family members (a parent or sibling) who is emotionally unstable or has a mental illness, living through war, family illness and/or a pandemic.

What Clients Are Saying

Wouldn’t You Love To

Get a Window into Your Subconscious?

Ready to Book Time Together?

“Once I applied what you taught me and truly fell in love with myself, the way I viewed people changed.  It was no longer male or female, just people.  I stopped looking at women in only a physical way. Before I had no idea how to connect deeply in relationships and I was lost with no self-confidence.  Talk about a life changer. 

This is such a huge change for me, and my friends say I am more loving and happier than before, and they told me they saw a more confident love in me.  So cool....

None of this would have happened without you.  I never would have broken those emotional bonds and I would have stayed lost in an empty and incomplete life.  Life is about learning and change, and I am now living and loving it...  you are never too old to learn and grow...  so cool!!!!!

And… retirement changed my life...  no more fears about money. Thank you!

You taught my mind to evolve into a self-confident mind - not to be afraid. I had to go deeper than courage - it was courage beyond my wildest dreams. Everybody deserves the gift that you can give people.

You are a lifesaver.  I truly mean that, because you have changed my life in so many positive ways...

…You are my earth angel.”

— Dan Spinozzi, California


What is the Body Code

And How Does it Work?

The Body Code works by tapping into your subconscious mind to help us understand where your issues are rooted.

Think of the subconscious mind like an iceberg. We really only see about 10% of an iceberg above the water, but underneath the other 90% lies, which makes up the majority of the iceberg’s mass.

Your subconscious mind is that other 90%—Getting to the root of your problems and clearing any blocks has everything to do with connecting to your subconscious mind – because it has the answers to everything you need to know about yourself.

Think of The Body Code as a natural diagnostic tool that instantly tells us what’s going on underneath the surface.


What is the Emotion Code?

The Emotion Code is a section within the Body Code that specifically focuses on clearing trapped emotions. An emotion is an energy and oftentimes when we have very strong emotions, they can become trapped as a ball of energy somewhere in your body: a trapped emotion.

Trapped emotions can cause physical pain, bring illness, create a weakness or prevent you from getting past an emotional trauma. In order to remove a trapped emotion we first use muscle testing identify which emotion is trapped, where it stems from and all the details surrounding the emotion. Then, we take a magnet and remove the trapped emotion.

Using the Emotion Code is all part of your your Body Code session!



As an Emotion Code Practitioner, I will connect with your energy remotely (or with your child’s) and use The Emotion Code chart to uncover whatever your subconscious mind wants to tell us, thereby uncovering the root to any issues you may have and clearing any trapped emotions.

We’ll then clear any trapped emotions or work on anything else that comes up in our session to help you feel rejuvenated and fresh again!


Appointments are held remotely via Zoom or phone, making it convenient wherever you live.


Get the expertise of a trained and certified Emotion Code Practitioner, with 20 years experience in kinesiology and natural healing.

Let’s Get Started


1 One-Hour Emotion Code

Emotion Code Session

An hour of Emotion Code, just you and me. We can clear trapped emotions, begin on your heart-wall, work on your subconscious mind beliefs or get to the bottom of another issue you may be having. Let’s get started!

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Most Popular


3 One-Hour Sessions for $115/Session

3 Emotion Code Sessions

3 one-hour Emotion Code sessions, just you and me. We can clear trapped emotions, work on your heart-wall, do subconscious mind work or get to the bottom of other issues you may be having. Let’s get started!

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Best Value


5 One-Hour Sessions for $99/Session

5 Emotion Code Sessions

5 one-hour Emotion Code sessions, just you and me. We can clear trapped emotions, work on your heart-wall, do subconscious mind work or get to the bottom of others issue you may be having. Let’s get started!

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Give Yourself Permission to Start Over.

Whether it means moving to a new city, getting a new job, getting out of a toxic relationship, or just reinventing yourself (I’ve personally done all of these), you can’t start over until you accept responsibility for your part, and give yourself permission to feel the pain you’ve been through so you can start again. You can’t create your future if you stay stuck in the past, so allow yourself to embrace emotional healing so you can leave it behind and remember that with each new sunrise, you CAN become whoever and whatever you desire.

Healing, helpful, magical and informative are all words I’d use to describe my emotion code experience with Lisa. I started out with her hoping to address some health problems my daughter was experiencing along with my own accompanying emotional trauma related to this stressful experience.

The magic came into play when Lisa was able to reach across the Zoom lens and access my subconscious to see what was really going on. I never knew this was possible and to what degree until experiencing Lisa’s magic touch. Needless to say I keep coming back and learning more and more each time. I highly recommend Lisa’s help for anyone on a personal or familial journey of wellness. It really works!

— Roberta Spence, Toronto ON.