YouTube Videos

Feel free to check out my New YouTube Channel Here! If you have a request for a video topic about emotional healing, the emotion code or anything else, just leave it in the comments to any of the videos - I read the comments! Hope to see you there and make sure to Subscribe!


Healing Yourself Emotionally is Undoubtedly the Greatest Gift You Could Give Yourself!

I'm reaching out to you to express my deep appreciation. When I started working with you just 3 months ago (feels like I've known you forever) I was very apprehensive about whether or not you would be able to help me. You see,  I’ve spent thousands upon thousands of $$ on therapy to heal my trauma, old limiting beliefs, and countless amounts of negative emotions trapped inside of me from over the years.  I was beginning to feel like my dream of emotional healing was more like a pipe dream or a fantasy.   

Fast forward - 3 glorious months of working under your kind and empathetic tutelage.  Today I am experiencing a life I never imagined possible.   I feel freer than ever,  I’ve 3x'd my business revenue,  I’ve attracted numerous relationship possibilities into my reality and I wake up every day excited for the wonderful opportunities that life is going to bring me. 

But most of all, I feel it in my bones, that I am only scratching the surface of the wonderful experiences that are ready to happen to me as we continue our work together in healing and growth. 

Ely R., Pittsburgh, PA